They support the Renovation


Our Sponsors

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Our Donors

Today, the Institut français is renovating La Médiathèque. The previous projects included the renovation of the Ciné Lumière and the renovation of the Steinway piano. We believe that long-term support can be worth substantial one-off donations. This is why the Institut is truly grateful to the donors whose lasting commitment has proven considerable, on one or several projects.

La Médiathèque

The Institut français is very grateful to the ‘Friends of the French Institute’ Trust and to its generous donors, whether they are individuals, companies or foundations, for their unfailing support to the renovation project of La Médiathèque. We would like to thank them wholeheartedly:

Major Donors

Jean-Luc Allavena
Patrick & Valérie Degorce
Isabelle Ealet & John Corbani
Pierre-Henri & Dorothée Flamand
Aline Foriel-Destezet
Jacques & Stéphanie Gabillon
Patrick Healy & Isabelle Georgeaux
Ralph & Yolande Kanza
Alix & Mathieu Laine
Xavier & Kathleen Mayer
Nicolas & Nathalie Motelay
Odile & Marc Mourre
Michel & Ellen Plantevin

The Claude & Sofia Marion Foundation
The NDL Foundation

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Premium Donors

Eric & Majda Aouani
Antoine & Sarra Badel
Sophie & Emmanuel Boussard
Léon & Sylvie Bressler
Jean-Philippe & Nathalie Chomette
Emmanuel & Anne-Cécile Clair
Charles de Croisset
Michel & Hélène David-Weill
Philippe Foriel-Destezet
Benjamin & Claire Dupuy
Vincent & Florence Gombault
Thierry & Elena Groell
Benoît & Cécile Helly d’Angelin
Dominique & Anne-Rose Lancksweert

BC Partners Foundation
Bouygues UK
The Anna and Michael Zaoui Foundation
The De Brye Charitable Trust

Goldman Sachs Matching Gift Program
L’Ecole des Petits et l’Ecole de Battersea

Francis & Marie-France Lang
Hugues & Emmanuelle Lepic
Michel & Rana Massoud
Estibalitz & Maxence Mesny
Bernard & Anne Oppetit
Nicholas & Mirella Otten
Jean R. & Virginia S. Perrette
Franck & Catherine Petitgas
Alain & Elisabeth Philippe
Emmanuel Roman
Josselin & Alice de Roquemaurel
Ely Michel Ruimy
Sir John Scarlett KCMG, OBE & Lady Scarlett
Aude & Jules Taittinger
Michel & Claudia Taittinger



Alex & Isabelle Abadie
Habib & Tina Achkar
Mark & Gioia Battistoni
Marion Bentata
Alexandre Bernigaud
Marie Bernon
Paul Berry
Renaud Billard
Emmanuel & Anne-Sophie Blouin
Marc & Delphine Bordier
Valérie Borne
Jeanne Bottin
Annaig & Vincent Boyer
Frédérique Brisset
Lauriane Buffé
Ray Carlson
Tanneguy Cazin D’Honincthun
Jean-François & Catherine Cécillon
Vincent & Isabelle Chéney
Michel & Geneviève Contie
Frédéric & Sylvie Court
Paul Davis & Guadalupe Cortina-Davis
Laurent Debenedetti & Deborah Zurkow
Elisabeth Delahaye
Matthieu & Agathe Delannoy
Sébastien Duc
John & Céline Duckworth
Matthieu & Marie-Anne Duncan
Emmanuel Escourido
Sir Jonathan Evans KCB & Lady Evans
Han & Xavier Eyraud
Anne Faure
Therese & Peter Fontana
Jérôme & Cécile Fossy
Mathieu Gillet
Jenny & Melville Guest
Martine Hamon
Lionel & Caroline Haroche
Laurent Henrio & Maia Morgensztern
Fred & Nicola Huet
Laurent & Marie Issaurat
Pierre & Faiza Janselme
Sindre Kaspersen
Christophe & Céline Khaw
Jean-François & Catherine Lambert
Dr Payman & Dr Carla Langroudi
David & Annie Lass
Lionel & Valérie Laurant
Gérard & Katrin Legrain
Arnaud & Gwénaëlle Mallet
Henry & Claire Maxey
Stephen & Elisabeth Maxwell
Etienne & Amaia de Merlis
Luc Michalski
Liora & Michel Modiano
Nicolas & Kelly Moiseeff
Gaëlle Mourre
Sylvain Mudikongo Bolisa Katunda
Paul O’Connor & Barbara Berckmans
Emmanuel & Karen Onillon
Sacha Perelroizan
Mathieu Plubeau
Xavier & Florence Quattrocchi
Georgia Robert Auger
Stephen & Marie-Hélène Somerville
Ian & Tina Taylor
Patrick Tantra & Maude Pinet
Yoann & Xin Turpin
Frédéric & Laetitia Vecchioli
Aurélie Vuillermoz

L’Oréal UK & Ireland
And many other contributors.


In 2011, our Steinway Piano was moved to Steinway’s workshop in order to be fully restored. The instrument is a model C Grand Piano from 1966, and is considerably older than the pianos found in most music venues. This restoration improved the quality of our concert series and provided professional pianists with an instrument in perfect condition.

We are thankful to everyone who participated in this project and helped collect a total amount of £25,000 in 2012:

Neville Abraham
Yana Alexandroff
Colin Bryce
Xavier Denecker
Emmanuelle Dotezac-Court
Isabelle Ealet
Christiane Gould-Krieger
Thierry Groell
Rich Hughes
Nicolette Kwok
Jean-Claude Langer
Philippe Lautard
Pamela & Simon Majaro
Xavier Mayer & Kathleen Verelst
Salim Moollan
Marc & Odile Mourre
Anne & Bernard Oppetit
Roy & Celia Palmer
Jean Perrette
Jean Peters
Catherine Petitgas
Stephen Pollock-Hill
Paul-André & Anne Rabate
Nathalie Rachou
Charles Rose
Sir John Scarlett KCMG, OBE & Lady Scarlett
Julien Sevaux
Stephen & Marie-Hélène Somerville

Morgan Stanley Matching funds


We would like to thank our donors for their generous support of Diaphonique, the Franco-British fund for contemporary music.

Benefactors Platinum
Mrs Aline Foriel-Destezet
Elena andThierry Groell
Claude and Sofia Marion Foundation
Odile and Marc Mourre

Benefactors Gold
Mrs Gabriella Bassatne
Sandra and Pierre Bernheim
John and Isabelle Corbani
M. Philippe Foriel-Destezet
M. and Mrs Arnaud Massenet
M. and Mrs Benoît Savoret

Benefactors Silver
Majda and Eric Aouani
M. and Mrs François-Xavier Bellon
M. and Mrs Charles de Croisset
Emma and Thibault Vaslet de Fontaubert
M. and Mrs Xavier Mayer
M. Salim Moollan
M. and Mrs Julien Sevaux
The Morgan Stanley Foundation


Culturethèque is an online multimedia library that gives UK residents free access to hundreds of documentaries, audiobooks, lectures and thousands of books for free. The trust The Friends of the French Institute and the kind donors listed below offered this digital font of French knowledge in 2010 to digital enthusiasts. Our warmest thanks go to them for allowing to raise the £350,000 needed to complete the project

Majda & Eric Aouani
Sandra & Pierre Bernheim
John & Isabelle Corbani
Dorothée & Pierre-Henri Flamand
Emma & Thibault de Fontaubert
Thierry & Elena Groell
Odile & Marc Mourre
M. & Mme Jean-Pierre Mustier
Anne & Bernard Oppetit
Jean-René & Virginia Perrette
Anne & Paul-André Rabate

The Claude & Sofia Marion Foundation
Morgan Stanley International Foundation


Ciné Lumière

Ciné lumière is a premier destination for all culture aficionados. In 2008, it was renovated, thanks to a campaign which raised £800,000. We would like to thank our generous partners for their help and support.

Corporate Donors

Corporate Benefactors “Rouge”


Corporate Benefactor “Blanc”

Corporate Benefactors “Bleu”


Corporate Benefactors



Individual Donors

Benefactor “Bleu Blanc Rouge”
Benefactors who wish to remain anonymous

Benefactors “Rouge” Benefactors “Blanc” Benefactors “Bleu”
John et Isabelle Corbani
M. Philippe Foriel-Destezet
Dorothée et Pierre-Henri Flamand
Claude and Sofia Marion Foundation
Odile et Marc Mourre
Anne et Bernard Oppetit
Catherine et Franck Petitgas
Terry et Jean de Gunzburg
Michele et Sylvain Hefes
M.Daniel Sigaud
M. et Mme Michel Taittinger
Michael et Anna Zaoui
Cécile et Benoit Helly d’Angelin
M. et Mme Eric Aouani
Sandra et Pierre Bernheim
André et Jacqueline Bénard
Driss et Heli Ben-Brahim
M. et Mme J. F. Cécillon
Janet et Jean-François Cristau
M. et Mme Charles de Croisset
M. et Mme Jean-François Decaux
Mme Elisabeth Delahaye
Caroline et Gaël Dutheil de la Rochère
Francesca et Emmanuel Gavaudan
Mme Isabelle Georgeaux & Mr Patrick Healy
Francis et Marie-France Lang-Amiot
Anne et Paul-André Rabate
Stephen & Marie-Hélène Somerville
Raphaëla et Maximilian Vaslet de Fontaubert

Some donors wish to remain anonymous.

Last update : Monday 14 September 2015