The Hub for Study and Discovery

The Hub for Study and Discovery

The Hub for Study and Discovery

The Hub for Study and Discovery

The Hub for Study and Discovery

The Hub for Study and Discovery

The Hub for Study and Discovery

The Hub for Study and Discovery

The Hub for Study and Discovery

The Hub for Study and Discovery

The Hub for Study and Discovery

The Hub for Study and Discovery

What content are you looking for? Which medium do you prefer? Who do you go to the library with? Answers are multiple and combinations are endless – no reader is the same. It is increasingly important for libraries to adapt to their users’ diverse habits.
This is why, to complete La Médiathèque’s total makeover, the adults’ areas will be modernised in order to adjust to each visitor’s preferences.

The final stage

To tune up the adults’ library, we will:

  • create an area dedicated to music and cinema
  • create a Lab FLE for French learning students
  • create an archives corner with resources on World War II, Free France and Franco-British relations
  • set up a study room featuring Humanities and Social sciences resources
  • develop co-working spaces alongside individual desks
  • provide optimal comfort and the latest digital equipment.

Whatever your reading habits and interests, La Médiathèque will meet your needs.

La Médiathèque has embarked on a journey to be at the cutting edge of modernity and the Hub for Study and Discovery is the last lap!

Thanks to our generous donors, and to the Friends of the French Institute Trust, the funds have been collected in due time and the works will start in June 2016.
We are grateful for all the individual and private donors who made this project possible. Merci to all of you!