

The Institut français is a major and officially approved examination centre for a wide range of official French language proficiency diplomas and certificates. It is accredited by the Centre International d’Etudes Pédagogiques (International Centre for French Studies) for DELF / DALF and TCF (Knowledge of French Test), and by the French Chamber of Commerce for Professional French Exams.

We also organise all the exams for French university students interning in London.

Read Examinations Rules and Regulations here.


I want an official diploma for my studies

DELF and DALF, issued by the French Ministry of Education, certify the French language proficiency of foreign students. 4 sessions per year
TCF TOUT PUBLIC are French language proficiency tests required by French universities, or by employers etc. Up to 5 sessions per year

I want an official diploma for my child

DELF Prim and DELF Junior are intended, respectively for people from 7 to 12, and from 12 to 17. 3 sessions per year

I want an official diploma to emigrate to France, Canada or Quebec

TCF Quebec is intended for people wishing to emigrate to Quebec, TCF Canada is intended for people wishing to emigrate to all the provinces of Canada except Quebec, and TCF French Nationality (IRN) is intended for people wishing to acquire French nationality. Up to 10 sessions per year

I want to teach French as a foreign Language

The Diplôme d’Aptitude à l’Enseignement du Français Langue Etrangère is a professional qualification for teaching French as a foreign language, co-organised by the Alliance française Paris Ile-de-France and the CNED (French national centre for distance learning)


The Institut français offers specific courses to prepare for all French certification exams and diplomas. Please see the Exam Preparation & Revision, Professional French and Young Learners sections for more details.


For information about entry forms, fees and dates please contact us:
Examination Centre: