Thu 12 Oct

Birdsong by Ensemble La Rêveuse

Les Salons en Musique

Crédit photo: © Arnaud Kéhon

Sébastien Marc, recorders and flageolets
Florence Bolton, bass viol and pardessus de viole
Benjamin Perrot, theorbo and baroque guitar

Founded by Benjamin Perrot and Florence Bolton, La Rêveuse is an ensemble of solo musicians that works on the heritage of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, a period rich in artistic experiments and inventions of all kinds. Wishing to forge links between the different artistic disciplines, the ensemble often collaborates with the world of theatre and literature in order to give a new slant to classic texts.

This programme brings to life a certain vision of the music of the Middle Ages to the 21st century through a fascination for birdsong in pieces by Rameau, Purcell Saint-Saëns, or Ravel.

Thu 12 Oct 7pm | £15, members £13, students £5

As part of Les Salons en Musique, a concert series supported by Aline Foriel-Destezet


Henry Purcell, Prelude for the Birds (excerpt of The Fairy Queen)
William Williams / Robert Orme, Sonata in imitation of several birds : Adagio / Grave / Allegro
Jakob Van Eyck, Engels Nachtegaeltje
Theodor Schwarzkopf, Sonata all’imitazione del Rossignolo e del Cucco
François Couperin, The Nightingale in love, Les Sylvains
Jean-Baptiste de Bousset, Why sweet Nightingale
Michel Corrette, The Cuckoo
Darius Milhaud, arr. Vincent Bouchot, The Cuckoo
Camille Saint-Saëns, arr. Vincent Bouchot, The Cuckoo in the woods
Benjamin Britten, arr. Vincent Bouchot, Cuckoo (excerpt of Fridays afternoon)
Jean-Philippe Rameau, arr. Vincent Bouchot, The Hen
Camille Saint-Saëns, arr. Vincent Bouchot, Hens and roosters (excerpt of The Carnival of the animals)
Maurice Ravel, arr. Vincent Bouchot, Laideronnette impératrice des pagodes (excerpt of Ma Mère l’Oye)
Logo Ensemble La Rêveuse



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