ICC Immersion

Led by the Institut français and Business France, ICC Immersion is a programme for cultural entrepreneurs with an innovative project who seek to develop it internationally in a target market.

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ICC Immersion, international immersive programme for the cultural and creative industries

As part of France 2030, the government’s investment plan for the France of tomorrow, ICC Immersion is being implemented in partnership with the Banque des Territoires (Caisse des Dépôts Group). The programme draws on the joint expertise of the Institut français, the diplomatic and cultural networks of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, Business France and its offices abroad.

ICC Immersion aims to give participating companies in-depth understanding of the ecosystems of their target countries, providing assistance with defining their strategy in light of the challenges and constraints of local markets, and allowing them to benefit from networking and immersion in the target countries in order to promote business opportunities.

Companies will be put in contact with local innovation stakeholders, partners, financial backers and clients through tailored meetings and attendance at key events for the relevant industries.

France 2030: placing France at the forefront of cultural and creative content production and immersive technologies

France, a country of literature, philosophy, theatre, cinema, music and video games, must continue to make its voice heard by promoting its cultural heritage and developing new content and experiences. Our partners are investing in these industries, which represent 640,000 jobs and 91 billion euros in turnover in France. Public intervention will make it possible to trigger investments and assist in the creation of industries, alongside the private sector.

It is a question of investing in a very concrete way: in our studios, in new technologies offering immersive experiences, and in the training of professionals. The objective will also be to make our ecosystem of immersive technologies (video games, augmented reality, virtual reality, etc.) a world leader.

Placing France once again at the forefront of the cultural and creative industries and content production is one of the key objectives of France 2030, an investment plan launched by the President of the Republic on 12 October 2021, to which 1 billion euros will be allocated in various fields.

The ambition of France 2030 is to transform key sectors of our economy through technological and industrial innovation and to position France as a leader in the world of tomorrow, by investing in 10 key objectives based on three challenges: better production, better living and better understanding of our world.

Operation supported by the French Government within the “Creating international immersion programmes” framework of France 2030 and operated by the Banque des Territoires – Groupe Caisse des Dépôts.

ICC Immersion Royaume-Uni

The cultural and creative industries are one of the flagships of the UK economy. They represent a total of 2.29 million jobs in more than 300,000 active companies in 2021, among which tech companies represent the majority of the sector’s growth. The ICC-Immersion Royaume-Uni immersive programme has been designed to fit this very dynamic and competitive market.

ICC Immersion Royaume-Uni offers a one-month core immersive course, including two weeks in the UK (one week in London and one week in Leeds). Depending on the needs and opportunities identified, this core programme can be extended, for a limited number of companies, by a tailor-made individual immersion of up to 6 months. A personalised support and evaluation system will be offered throughout the programme.

Selected companies

Nine companies with innovative projects were selected in February 2023 to participate in the ICC Immersion Royaume-Uni programme.

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