Cross-Channel Theatre

Cross-Channel Theatre is a translation programme led by the Institut français du Royaume-Uni. Its purpose is to promote and support French contemporary playwrights in the UK.

Every year since 2014, CCT collects dramatic artworks which enliven French contemporary theatre. They are put forward by specialised institutions to be submitted to a Reading Committee made of French and British professionals. The laureates, 3 or 4 texts each year, are then translated into English.

The translation is entirely funded by the Institut français du Royaume-Uni, in partnership with Artcena/CONTXTO where the text is also selected by their network.

Members and partners of CCT have at heart to promote French artworks through translation, to stress the diversity of the French-speaking world’s artistic productions as well as to create the best conditions to initiate a production process on British stages.

In 2021, Cross-Channel Theatre has received scripts from the SACD, RFI, France Culture, Théâtre Ouvert, La Chartreuse – centre national des écritures du spectacle de Villeneuve-lez-Avignon and les Francophonies/des écritures à la scène in Limoges.
The 2021 laureates are:
Les Inamovibles by Sèdjro Giovanni Houansou
Seuls dans la nuit by Gwendoline Soublin
Evaporation(s) by Camille Nauffray
Face à la mère by Jean-René Lemoine

To join the UK premiere of Cross-Channel Theatre 2021 laureate Facing Mother (Face à la mère) written by Jean-René Lemoine and translated by Amanda Gann in a staged reading directed by Julia Locascio, click here.

Members of the 2021 Cross-Channel Theatre Reading Committee:

Marianne Badrichani, Chris Campbell, Felicity Davidson, Kate Fahy, Simon Scardifield, Mona Guichard, Christophe Fiat, Ronan Cheneau.

Cross-Channel Theatre Contacts

Isabelle Manci, Cultural Attachée, Head of the Visual and Performing Arts Department

Mathilde Charras, Culture and Education Assistant