Mon 7 - Sat 12 Nov

Feminist Riposte

Cert. tbc

Festivals & Series

Women’s Rights Now!, French Film Festival UK 2022

Riposte féministe

87 mins

in French with EN subtitles

FRA | 2022 | doc | dir.s Simon Depardon & Marie Perennès, with Marina Foïs | UK Premiere

“Sexism is everywhere — so are we.” It’s just one of many slogans plastered across the streets of France in this timely documentary which premiered in Cannes this year. Marie Perennès and Simon Depardon follow ten groups of women around the country as they protest harassment, rape, femicide and the police response to these crimes. At night, armed with white sheets and black paint, they plaster the streets with messages of support for the victims of misogyny and slogans decrying femicide. An inspiring film about women who stand up to everyday sexism and gender-based violence in a world in which women’s rights still need to be defended daily.

See also the screening of Simone Veil, A Woman of the Century on 13 Nov

women shaping the world30th French Film Festival UK


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